To begin explaining my bloggy hiatus (well, sadly I've never been entirely consistent with it) I will tell you that there were several blogs of women that I used to read just about every single day. You can learn a lot about someone by reading about their lives for two much so that you feel like you know them! I went to a women's conference this past December and most of the women who wrote the blogs were there. Honestly, I wanted to meet them. It wasn't the reason I was going to the conference but it was going to be the icing on the cake. It sounds so trivial to confess, but the Proverb is so true "Hope deferred makes the heart sick" (13:12). When these women weren't reciprocating my efforts to meet them, it kind of stung.
Hindsight is 20/20. They don't know me, why would them want to meet a stranger? Stranger danger...duly noted. But the whole thing put a bad taste in my mouth for blogging. It's almost a one-sided celebrity thing. Clearly my little humble blog isn't bringing in loads of internet traffic, nor is there any compensation, nor is there really anything pertinent on here except for those people in our lives who we don't see often. It's just weird to feel all stalker-ish and like I've lost friends who never were in the beginning.
Does that make any sense?

So, the next week was surgery. They pieced me back together and made it all stick by a volar plate and 8 screws. A few weeks of healing time were followed by 2 months of physical therapy 3x a week, plus an hour at home each day. By the time I could type, I didn't even want to think about it.
The winter passed and springtime came. T-Pup and I finished up homeschool kindergarten. W went on a school trip to England, the children and I spent a fun-filled seven days in St. Louis. W and I celebrated our seventh anniversary, and then August was here and the lazy hazy days of summer were gone.
Now, we are gearing up for little man's 6th birthday... my oh my! We are having an Angry Bird's party, so this next week will be filled with Angry Bird pinata making and painting green pigs on boxes so we can have a real live angry birds game. Excitement is in the air!
Sam is doing "school" while T-Pup and I do first grade each day. She has a preschool workbook and is learning to write all of her letters and numbers. I cannot bring myself to think she will be 4 in a few months. People always tell you they grow so fast....and, well, they grow so fast.
That is a small version of catch up on our lives. I would love to hear about you guys!
good to see you posting again!
And January 10th....
oh chelle! so glad to see a post from you!!!the kids are growing so much, i can't believe it. we are starting back HS (first grade) tomorrow. yay!!! I miss you tons, and you can always read my blog and know that when you see me next I will probably tackle you with a hug :) lol
She's baaaack! Yay!
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