Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The words of my mouth

Honestly, I say so many things I never thought I would say. Just this morning I found myself telling my son "Don't hit your sister in the head with your golf club!".

On Saturday we went to meet my brother-in-law at a restaurant about an hour away, and T-Pup said he needed to go potty. When we went into the restroom, the music was considerably louder than in the restaurant. Immediately, he started shimmying around the toilet to the tune of the music. I started laughing hysterically at the sight of this unusual moment then said "C'mon bud, we don't dance around the toilet".

This morning I was changing my daughter's #2 diaper, and I said something like "shew, this is stinky-bo-dinky". I don't know why I said it, it just came out. T-Pup almost fell over laughing, and kept repeating "stinky-bo-dinky, stinky-bo-dinky".

I love these moments with children. They are so unpredictable. This honestly scares me for I've heard the horror stories of my childhood, and remember my mom telling people "she's just our little mouth of the south". I know I have it coming. I'm sure it's not going to be pretty either!

We all know Psalm 19:14:

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.

I've found myself recently spelling to my husband. "When do you want me to put him to B-E-D?"; "Do you want some S-U-N D-R-O-P?" etc, etc. I'm altering the words of my mouth to avoid the ears of my children. These things are normal, everyone does it somehow. What bothers me are the words of my mouth that I don't conceal; the ones where I'm speaking about some one's character, or attitude, or how I've been wronged in some way. After a bout of confusion at the car wash Sunday afternoon, I got in my vehicle and frustratingly said "That woman is a jerk!" and T-Pup said "Mommy what's wrong?" and it convicted the mess out of me. I replied as honestly as I could and told him "I'm sorry bud, Mommy has a bad attitude".

May the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart...

It's not enough to watch what comes out my mouth, I need to check what's in my heart as well. I'm sure there are plenty of times each day that God smiles or laughs at something I say. I'm also sure there are times that He is grieved. As I speak to my children, and to those around me, I want them to "know my heart". I want to teach our children about these things, and be a positive example for them to learn from; I know several people and the way I've learned from them is knowing that I don't want to be like them. It's not a bad thing, but I take note and say "hey, this is something I don't want in my life, how can I avoid it"...

...be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and Redeemer.


Hugs said...

Very insightful. Thank you for this blog. :)

megan stout said...

miss you.