Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I really don't know about you, but I find humor in the smallest things. I've come to realize that my humor is dry - and often times not funny to anyone else at all. If I find it funny though, does it really matter if someone else is laughing? I'm used to being the odd one out - so no big news there.

Anyway, there is a small story to my ramblings. Last night was the Colts and Titans game. Seriously around this state, that is equivalent to the words Super Bowl. You know Tennessee loves Peyton, and you know we love the Titans... so put two and two together = big deal. W said he wanted us to have some 'football food' and watch the game. He specifically requested rotel cheese dip, so I decided to also pick up a pizza (for the kids). All of this to say, when we were waiting at Little Ceasar's (I know it's the "cheap" pizza - but I love their cheese!) a big 'ole pimped out blazer pulls up next to us with their bass thumpin'... loud. Incredibly loud... annoyingly loud... point made? Anyway, T-Pup says "Mommy! What is that?!" and I reply "it's the car's music... it's really loud..." and before I could finish he says "But Mommy! It sounds like a monster at pizza hut playing the tuba!"

If you just read that and barely smirked, made the little "hm!" sound, or less... you are one of the many who don't understand my humor -- because I laughed for what seemed like minutes.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


T-Pup has been studying Abraham for the past few weeks in Sunday School. The first story was the one of he, Sarai, and Lot moving to Canaan. This past week was about Issac's birth. I absolutely love the curriculum they use - it is perfect for 3 year olds. Anyway, the scripture both weeks has been Genesis 12:2 - "I will bless you". He had this down pat the first time we practiced it. I got to thinking this weekend - this child can sing the theme song to Higglytown Heroes and Handy Manny - he can handle the full version of the scripture. So, this morning I started working with him on it. This is the full scripture:

I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and
make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.

For whatever reason, all I could get out of my son for the first 10 minutes was the following...

I will make you a great poop.

It really was funny at first - but then I tried to encourage more respect for God's word. Then I just got frustrated with his continued sillyness - just for the sake of being silly. I eventually told him he couldn't get off the couch until he said it, so 10 minutes later we conquered it. Little boys will be little boys!

I am so so so proud and grateful to say that my brother is home, safe and sound. Our trip was wonderful (short - but very full) and I'm so incredibly thankful I was able to go. Thanks to the ones of you who prayed for him while he was in Iraq. It looks like he will be on a MEU float (marine expeditionary unit / naval ship) outside of Afghanistan this summer.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Much Excitement

I cannot express my excitement in words - my little brother is coming home from Iraq next week. I am excited to be able to fly to NC to greet him when he returns. I'm a little nervous about traveling with Sam, but I plan to pack some exciting new snacks and toys to help her enjoy the ride a bit more. T-Pup is all squared away here with close friends and family - but he and W's presence will definitely be missed.

My sweet Sam is approaching 1 year old. Wow! Where has the past year gone? We had our annual youth fish fry last night at church, and I made the comment to one of the women there "it was this time last year we were gawking over how swollen my feet were!" I will plan her party as soon as we get back - but for now my attentions are on the trip next week.

T-Pup and I have been talking about Abraham each day this week. He has memorized "I will bless you Genesis 12:2". I need to be more efficient on teaching him scripture! It does bless me to hear him recite it with such pride though.

Sam is at the beginning stages of walking. W will hold her hands and walk with her across the floor; when I try, she just plops down. I don't mind leaving some things to Daddy - and I don't think he minds either :)

I think that's about it for my little update. I am also excited to have an evening with my hubby tonight. It has been a while since we've been out alone, so I'm sure we'll have a great time.