Friday, March 27, 2009

TV/Book/Recipe Review

Before I forget, I wanted to share this: Caesar Pockets. Instead of using regular pitas, we used the Joseph's flax, oat bran, and whole wheat pita. They are a good bit thinner and aren't quite as bready. Anyway, they were wonderful, quick, and so easy. My kind of meal.

Also last night I made these speedy chicken enchiladas, and although they were wonderful they required two cans of soup...sodium! There were several amazing recipes for chicken enchiladas on all recipes, but I was running short on time and wanted the closest to my craving with the least amount of effort. I added enchilada sauce to the cheddar soup instead of the salsa and they were so good. Do any of you watch Little People Big World? Amy made some delicious enchiladas on Mondays episode and I'd been thinking about them ever since.

While on the subject of TLC programming...

I started and completed Multiple Blessings week before last...all in less than 36 hours. Wow. If you follow the show, you've probably heard most of the story. But what I loved was the part you don't necessarily hear about on the show: their faith! The subtitle on the book is something like "from surviving to thriving" and I'm sure we've all felt like that in our walk with the Lord at times. This book was an encouragement, two thumbs up!

Also recently, I started catching a few episodes of 18 Kids and Counting. I'd seen it a few times before, but never really followed the Duggars. Well a few months ago I saw an episode during which Michelle (the mom of the 18) was trimming Grandpa Duggars hair. Grandma Duggar was standing there, and Michelle began praising her. She essentially thanked her for always encouraging and never tearing down, for always being there and faithful. I started weeping! Now I confess, I am known to cry at the drop of a hat, but this hit my spirit. I want to be that kind of woman, that kind of wife and mother. Always building up. Not just like 'ole grandma, but like Michelle too, and noticing those strengths in others - and encouraging them in those things.

I mentioned this to W, and he you know... nodded and gave me a "yeah, I agree... that's good" type response. He then proceeded to order the Duggars book for me (unbeknownst to me), The Duggas: 20 and Counting. I'm about halfway through it, and although I haven't zipped through it as I did Multiple Blessings, it has nuggets of gold within it. They talk a lot about their family business endeavors and not going into debt, and so far have chronicled that with the upbringing of their family.

If you judge them on their conservative dress or long hair, then you're missing out. Their hearts are beautiful. Ultimately they want to raise their children to love the Lord and each other. My heart is the same.

So, I had no real intention of analyzing TLC's Monday and Tuesday night lineup, but there ya go. T-Pup watches Jon and Kate with me, and Little People Big World and 18 Kids I watch by myself... usually on the nights W is studying/already in bed and so are the children.

I don't know about you, but I can appreciate wholesome television!

Today is March 27; one more month of school for W! His last final is on my birthday, one month from today! Praise God!

Oh.... and I can't wait for lunch to eat a leftover enchilada!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

a girl after my own heart :) I love TLC, but you already knew that!!!

Those enchiladas sound amazing, I must try that one day :)

and funny how whit responded because well, we just talked about that the other day :)